1.5. Participation in the Competition is conditional on a candidate filling on-line application form (can be found on the Competition site) or submitting the required documents and sending them by e-mail by January 20, 2021:
Candidates should send the attached application form, completed legibly in printed letters, in Russian or English to the following mail address:
Аddress of the organizing Committee: Organizing Committee of Stanislav Neuhaus Piano Competition
The Conservatoire Faculty
The Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture
Ordzhonikidze St. 36A
454091 Chelyabinsk, Russia
Web page of Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture about competition:
The Following should be included with the application form:
a) Repertoire Tour List with names of composers, full name of the work, tonality, opus, duration of sounding (Enclosure 1 -
b) birth certificate or passport (photocopy);
c) documentation of musical studies (photocopies);
d) brief CV (education, teachers’ names, participation in piano competitions, copies of diplomas, concert activity, prizes and honorary mentions, programs from concerts and festivals etc.);
e) recommendations from renowned musicians, CEO of concert company or musical institution;
f) current color portrait photography (JPEG 10 x 15, 300 dpi) (for “Piano duo” nomination photo of both musicians desirable);
g) written consent for personal data processing operations in Russian (Enclosure 2 -
1.6. Entrance Fee for the participants is:
“Piano Solo”
for Category A – 2500 rubles
for Category B – 3500 rubles
“Piano Duo” – 5000 rubles
Entrance fee is paid strictly before the Competition by payments through a bank (by wire transfer of funds in any bank or bank terminal). All necessary documents proving the payment are given to the payer.
Entrance fee details of payment:
Получатель платежа: УФК по Челябинской области (Челябинский государственный институт культуры л/с 20696X30860)
Наименование банка: Отделение Челябинск
ИНН (учреждения): 7451028844
БИК: 047501001
КПП: 745101001
ОКТМО: 75701370
р/с: 40501810565772200002
КБК: 00000000000000000130
ОКПО: 02176192
Наименование платежа: оргвзнос за участие в конкурсе им. С. Нейгауза (включая НДС)
1.7. Registration fee will not be paid back.
1.8. Participants are admitted to perform in both nominations of the competition provided entrance fee is paid for each nomination mentioned by the participant in application form.
1.9. Every applicant will be informed with the invitation form of a Competition participant by the Organizational Committee.
1.10. An applicant must inform the Organizational Committee in advance (not later than a week) about the date of his/her arrival, the exact time of arrival, flight/train number.
1.11. To be admitted to drawing of lots of the Competition all applicants must present a Registration fee note to the Organizational Committee and a personal identity document.